07/11/2019 – Top Echelon Recruiting Software Product Updates

At Top Echelon, we’re continually working to make Top Echelon Recruiting Software the best that it can be. That’s why we’re pleased to present the latest updates and upgrades to the software as of 07/11/2019:

1. Ability to Run Private Reports – When running a new ActivityPipeline, or Placement Report, you are now provided with the options of keeping the Report private, or sharing it with your entire agency. This allows for more confidentiality when running management reports moving forward.

2. New Parse Management Settings – A new page has been added to Agency Settings in the Sidebar that allows you to control when and how Top Echelon Recruiting Software parses records into your database when a duplicate is found via each potential venue. This addition of this new page also includes:

3. New Manage Parse Permission – A new user permission has been added to allow managers the flexibility to decide whether or not a user should be able to edit parse management settings for your agency.

4. Ability to Turn Off Automatic Tag Parsing – If your agency prefers to manually add Tags to your People records instead of having them automatically parsed, you now have the flexibility of designating that setting from the new Manage Parsing page.

5. Re-Parse Prompt with New Resume Add in Attachments – When updating a Current Resume through the Attachments tab on a Person’s record, Top Echelon Recruiting Software will now prompt to ask if you’d like to re-parse the information

6. Recent Records Link in Activities -A ‘Recent Records’ link has been added to all Logged and Scheduled Activities to allow for faster locating and linking of related records.